Wednesday, December 30, 2009


i hate cats.
but this cat has a lot of qualities that i find intriguing.

1.) its enormous.

your one odd-ish, fat cat/dog.

keep on licking the faucet.


there is nothing that shows omaha-ish better than these pics.

merry christmas.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


i struggled with the name of this post... what we do best-ish or smoke-ish?
went with the smoke-ish only because it was shorter.

but kinda should be what we do best-ish.

i less than three you all.

baci baci baci

Monday, December 28, 2009


oh bailey.

looking like the queen you are in your fantasy world you think you live in.

i <3 you.

stop licking your ass and eating your poop.


there are a lot of reasons taco bell is amazing, but the spork-ish they created is a rotating number.

(competition is the chili cheese burrito)

really... it is an extremely useful utensil and i do not understand why it is not more commonly used/produced in flatware.

i will have to a change this.

i less than three the spork.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


stomach is a mess.
nerves won't stop.
i'm such a mess.
i just hope i get there for christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


i want to do a project with all the names of chinese food restaurants, because the names are fucking hilarious.

'u like' on 99th and columbus?

i saw this one on the upper east.
it makes no sense to me, (maybe in chinese culture?) but i was in a great mood and i loved that it was the name of a chinese restaurant.

and it totally wasn't dodgy.

happiness-ish changes everything you see, hear, and do. its a filter that allows everything to be bright, shiney, and new. i'm working to make every day just so...

great weekend.
without doing anything.
just great.

light at the end of the tunnel-ish

so... gq had an article of the 18 most annoying facebook friends.
my fave:
girl that has a really shitty job and can't wait til friday. like seriously a rainman like obsession.
(its close enough)

why is this my fave?
b/c its kinda of me.
i'm that asshole that has messages, like 'its only shit town tuesday...'

and this pic was taken before i read the article and with the intention of posting it on a friday with the title 'light at the end of the tunnel-ish' because i'm always fucking waiting for fridays and i'm always talking about how i wish it were fucking friday.

i'm so pop culture.
and fridays are seriously the only light at the end of the tunnel.
i'm so that girl.


it wouldn't be christmas without some snow-ish....
christmas is only good if there is snow.
so glad i'm finally getting in the spirit.

what more could you ask for?!??!

only some snow-ish

Thursday, December 17, 2009


“You don't have to accept the invitation to get angry. Instead, practice forgiveness, empathy and encouragement.”

—Dan Fallon

gotta refocus it.
its not worth it.

anger-ish, regret, all of it... its useless and a waste of energy.

you have to if you want it!

positive pertrude gets the peach

Sunday, December 13, 2009


bergdorf's-ish is amazing.
can't really describe it. the photos tell it all.

there is no question that they are the best and no one comes close to creating this kind of imagery.


just trashy.
only in philly-ish would they have a rando sign like this on a rando building in a rando area.

only philly.

again dolly-ish

dolly-ish was needed today, because of those that doubt me and my dollywood ambitions.
o just wait.
it's gonna be amazin'

Sunday, December 6, 2009

christmas tree-ish

its that time of year!
where i'm happy for all the right reasons.
although it feels like a sham... and generally turns out to be one...
i pretend....and love my christmas tree-ish more than is healthful.
to all a good night (day).

Saturday, December 5, 2009

uh oh-ish

we all make mistakes.

wish i could take some back.... but uh oh-ish is undoable.
just gotta deal, just gotta keep gettin' out there.

uh oh.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


you get soaking wet when you lose your $5.99 umbrella.
but at least i get to hear the pitter patter of the wind and rain-ish as i fall asleep tonight....

Monday, November 30, 2009


i love dirty, grungy, musicians.
jimmy page: i less than three you.

i need this today.

jimmy-ish my way to 1974 (?).

Sunday, November 29, 2009


i love thanksgiving.
we were just having a conversation last night about how some people thing thanksgiving is a big ol' crock of shit.

well i beg to differ.

for those of us that have a family life that is quite unaspirational, thanksgiving can be selfishly painful. but thankfully, i have become a little more human and allowed the holiday to remind me that i do have something. and that something is way better than nothing....

i have several families.
and i am beyond thankful for the family that has opened their arms and adopted (with much force) me. it a blessing to have such amazing people in my life.

turkey day has become unconventional in my experience, and i'm all for it. i guess that is why i love it so...
gobble gobble.

ps- damn that gravy-ish was good.


the color-ish here are amazing.
i just love the symmetry and gradient.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

i hate men-ish

i hate that i hate men-ish.
i don't want to, but i have no choice. i'm left only with hatred for this race and the annoying things they do.

i wish i was a lesbian.
i wish i was a sexual.
but that just isn't the case. these fucking men. they get to me and fucking hate them. mother fuckers.
i'm so fucking angry at them all.


weird and fly-ish.
no clue what this is about, but the picture was weird.
happy monday.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

miss new jersey bitch-ish

the first in my interview series...

setting: 8pm on a Saturday evening in November 2009, the –ish and miss new jersey bitch-ish have consumed 3 bottles of alcohol, a few beers, multiple cigarettes and are sitting in a cigar bar in montclair nj. he only 2 women in the room, watching sports center on a big screen that is bigger than the –ish’s bedroom.

Miss new jersey-ish: You have a tape recorder with and that is kind of hilarious and we are going to laugh about this in 10 years.

the –ish: Yes, I do because I am the interviewer and you are the interviewee…. And I am talking to New Jersey-ish. First question, what is your name and where are you from and how would you define that?

loaded question.

the –ish: Yes- it is… but elaborate, think of it as…

This is going to come back and haunt me. This is -ish… this if going to be a drunken night… laughs… jersey girl-ish… I don’t want to admit it, but I am. I am!

the –ish: Admit it! I’m a jersey girl at heart as well…
From Hamilton township, a town over from where the –ish was born. She likes to front that she is from the Midwest, but she is a Jersey girl, too…. But, hamilton township, and now in monclaire . struggleing with life-ish, becoming a bride-ish, .Next question. Moving on. Go.

the –ish: Wow… that was intense.

That was intense.

the –ish: And that was a lot of –ish’s going on there.

That was a lot of –ish’s and we could probably take away all of them.

the –ish: Well, its all recorded now for posterity.

Great then it is recorded. Come on. Next question, Drunk-ish. Lets go.

the –ish: Wonder if this tape recorder is getting all these men being all, ‘arggggh’ and then I can’t get your lovely answers.

I don’t know… I don’t know what the fuck every one is talking about. who cares they are all speaking a bunch of non sense-isssssh

the –ish: How old are you?


the –ish: really?

That’s right, bitch. I’m not 26, yet. Thank you. Okay?!

the –ish: Ouch.

Ouch-ish. . Not pushing 30 ish .com

the –ish: Hey… I was told that I’m still in the mid 20’s, not the upper 20’s yet.

But your over 25, so your upper twenties.

the –ish : My family told me I still have another year… 27 is upper twenties. How do you feel about that since you will be 26 in just a few days?

It sucks.

the –ish : But your getting married. Your going down that line…

I’m very happy with my marriedness.

the –ish : Not –ish?

Yes- married-ish. In 9 months, I’ll be a mrs.

the –ish : How do you feel about that.

I’m good with that.

the –ish : Really?


the –ish : Totally?


the –ish : Through and through?

Through and through and I’m totally comfortable with the Mrs.-ish

the –ish : This whole interview is going to be –ish everything isn’t it?

Yes… It is going to be drunk everything –ish, -ish, -ish, mother fucker.

the –ish : In case you weren’t aware… this is Miss New Jersey-ish we’re talking to. You would never know from this interview.

I can’t wait to listen to this tomorrow. Laughs. Moving on.

the –ish : Last time you fell in love… big questions..boom boom boom.

Well, that would have to be when I met my future husband.

the –ish : Really? That was last time you fell in love?

Really! I swear to God.

the –ish : What about Marley and Me? Didn’t you fall in love with Marley?

Well, I did fall in love with the dog in that movie, but that’s a totally diff…

the –ish : So when was the last time you fell in love?

That’s a fucking dog movie…

the –ish : So again, when was the last time you fell in love?

I fell in love with Marley on Tuesday night.

the –ish : Lets talk about it.

But really, the last time I fell in love was with name>.

the –ish : Its love! There are a lot of things you can fall in love with! You met
5 years ago. Your saying that you haven’t fallen in love with anything since him?!

No. I have not.

the –ish : Really?

I’m not just saying that to be fabulous on this tape….

the –ish : Sure you are…

Interrupted: < ”nice to meet you ladies… you both are great… what are your names again… so nice to meet you…. come back again…” Man leaves>

the –ish: Did you just fall in love with that man?

. No.

the –ish: So 6 years ago was last time you fell in love?


the –ish: This is boring. So 6 years ago you met him in college and started
sleeping together…how did that turn into love.

We weren’t sleeping together…. Initially.

the –ish: Yeah you were.

He had a girlfriend. Laughs….

the –ish: So you were the other woman?

No shit I was.

the –ish: Oh shit.

Its no secret.

the –ish: Miss New Jersey-ish was the other woman.

I’m the other

the –ish: get it right. Dude, that should be your blog…

I would. I don’t care. I’m not ashamed of that. Because was all about it, too. . I’m just sayin’. What? You need to delete this.

the –ish: What?! This is best shit I’ve ever gotten about this.

I’m just goin’ with this and I’m wasted…

the –ish: Exactly. This is exactly what I wanted.

This is the real deal holifield.

the –ish: -ish?

The real deal holifield doesn’t need an –ish after it. Thank you. next question.

the –ish: When was the last time you had sex?

Yesterday. Last night. Thank you very much-ish. Laughs.

the –ish: I guess that is what happens when you have someone that lives with you and you actually like each other. So you have sex often….

Yes, often. Quite often.

the –ish: Good, that’s healthy.

Very healthy. It’s a good thing. Please don’t play this at my wedding.

the –ish: Omg… that’s great… thank you!

Moving on!

the –ish: Whats your favorite cruse word?


the –ish: Well… how do you use it.


the –ish: HOW do you use it. Say a phrase that you can use the f word in…

Everything. The f word is a good word. I can’t believe your recording me on this.

the –ish: Of coarse I am…that is what an interview is.

It gets aggression out. I don’t know.

the –ish: Come on! Say it! Get it out.

the –ish: Fuck you. fuckin’ bitch. Fuck this shit. Mother fuck. fuckin’ bitch. Bitchin’. and Bitches. I say bitches a lot. But not like a curse word. Its like bitches. Its like you’re my bitches. Not like you’re my bitches I wanna rule your shit, but its like you’re my bitches and my bitches are cool and I love my bitches. And you’re a bitch. Mother fuckin bitchers. You’re a bitch.

ish: This is gonna be kind of amazing tomorrow.

I can’t wait. Mother fucking We are only on question 3 out of like 50…

ish: Where is your home and how to you define it.

My home is a block away from here… it’s lovely and I love it. And I define it as a place like… peace and tranquility and home-ish. Your typical home-ish

ish: You have to tell me what typical home-ish means. That’s the point of the question. What home-ish means…You’ve only lived there 3 weeks, how is it home-ish and established.

God this is so cheese. Its because like…. This is so cheese. I can’t say this right now. I can’t believe I’m going to say this.
the –ish: You have to

I’m going to. i’m going there on tape. It’s my home-ish because the person I love is there with me and we make this little world that we love and we are in together. It might not be perfect, but it is good for us and I don’t know. We could take it or leave it, I guess. We could move on from it, its not the place I’m going to live for the rest of my life. But its this temporary place that we love. Its us. Its comfortable and happy. And we like it. There is a lot of love and happiness immersed there. And when we move on…. We’ll find that same –ish somewhere else.

the –ish: This –ish has definitely become part of your vocabulary. I’m so proud.

It makes me happy. I love having the –ish in my life. -ish makes me

the –ish: Favorite childhood memory.

I don’t know

the –ish: Makes you smile when you think about it. Like when you ‘kid’ that is what you think about.

I don’t know.

the –ish: Really?! Come on? Eating sugar breakfast cereals, cartoons, there has to be something…

i don’t know.

the –ish: Yes you do… what about you and steph. Walking around naked with EJ?

That is not to be recorded.

the –ish: But it was.

I don’t really have one. I feel like a deprived child. I can’t think of anything.

the –ish: It doesn’t have to a particular moment… more like an idea. When you think of being a kid you think of doing this…

Watching general hospital with my sister? Like when I was 7 years old and I probably shouldn’t have been watching it.

the –ish: like all that sexual shit that goes on.

I knew all about that sexual shit that was going on. I don’t know. It was just me, my sister and my mom and my brothers hanging out. I’m cool with my fam. I don’t have one particular moment.

the –ish: Worst childhood memory.

O please. Do you even want to go there? Do you even know my fucking childhood?

the –ish: I want it to be really repressive.

How do you even define being a child?

the –ish: Well for me, it would be when you move out of your parents house you beome an adult. But its subjective. That’s just me.

Well… when my parents got divorced. Come on that was the worst. Moving on. Theres a whole lot more to that cluster f of a situation, but I don’t... I can picture that day like it was yesterday, but we aren’t going there on this –ish, motha fucka (in a sing songy voice).

the –ish: Alright. I’ll take that. But when you become famous, I will have to delve deeper.

Yeah, when I’m on the cover of rollingstone.

the –ish: When you are the next bobbi brown and I have to ask the questions about where you came from and how it defines you…

Whatever. There is a lot of shit that defines my life and it can’t be defined in a five minute….

the –ish: I’m not saying it is, I’m just…

My life and my personality and the things that I love are not going to be defined in a 15 minute interview.

the –ish: But that is what this is about. To get it out there. To Define your…

Okay, this is my new jersey-ish. This is it. why is this going to be called new jersey-ish? This is the -ish.

the –ish: Because you are my new jersey-ish. You define a new jersey for me.

Your new jersey

the –ish: I am new jersey, but you’re a different new jersey. You lived here a long time.

I’ve lived other places than new jersey.

the –ish: I know. But you have to admit that new jersey is maybe…more of a home.

Yeah, well I’ve lived in new jersey since middle school. And you’ve lived in the Midwest since middle school.

the –ish: No… I lived in ny for the past 8 years.

True story. True

the –ish: Moving on and up.

Are we almost done with this?

the –ish: Nope.

Can we do this when I’m sober so I can answer these questions right?

the –ish: No because when you are drunk you answer them more honest.


the –ish: What makes you incandescently happy?

Well… if knew what incandescently meant I might be able to answer this question better.

the –ish: Come on new jersey. Go with with the ‘happy’ part.

I know…new I’m making this really fun for you. What makes me incandescently happy? No stress. Absolutely no stress.

the –ish: Whats stress?


the –ish: But according to oprah, work doesn’t define us.

It doesn’t . Okay… what makes me happy… cooking a delicious meal to be rachel ray, bitch, you don’t have shit on making food and hanging out with people I really care about. Because I don’t have fake ass people in my life. I’d rather have good friends in my life and have them around and eat and drink and have real conversation with them. That makes me happy. Holler at your miss new jersey

Saturday, November 21, 2009


i was stunned-ish earlier this week. i was so stunned-ish i couldn't post...

this kid is adorably stunned-ish. his (it's) reaction seems very similar to mine.
wtf is coming out of my chest, but what the hell am i going to do about it?
absolutely nothing.
cause there is nothing to do but rolllll with it.

but seriously. who does this shit to their kid?!
i probably will....

beautiful day in the neighborhood-ish

it's simply a beautiful day in the neighborhood-ish.
enjoy the day!


for the nomads of the world...
this home-ish would suit us.
it seems to have no doors, leading us to our inevitable homestead.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


dan-ish... i less than three you.


so mondays suck.

i can't post what i really want to post because it would be beyond creepy...
but i did cry-ish today.

and it wasn't because today sucked at work (surprise!)
it was because the love of my life (creepy!) decided to have our wedding with another woman.
def cry-ish.

but tomorrow is shit town tuesday so at least i have that to look forward to.

ps- i didn't want to 'wreck' this post with a picture of dawson (dawson's creek... holla!) crying, but the image was too ridic. i couldn't pass it up. plus it makes me feel like an even bigger idiot that i'm posting about this.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


i feel like a whole new-ish woman.
not totally.
but its a nice change.

Friday, November 13, 2009


i'm gonna play this sucker like I play my men...


banjo-ish brings me to the dreams i have of owning a farm in tn and sitting on my circle porch and white rocker playing banjo and drinking whiskey (gin).

happy friday.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


its official.
my tba band will have a bongo player.

this man just made my life with his insistent bongo-ish. eagle kaftan, weird al hair, and gaping mouth only touch the surface of his amazingness.

thanks, dan auerbach for an outstanding set with bongos to boot.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


i'm hardly internet savvy... surfing the web is something i am not good at. just like ironing. so a special thanks goes to my special lady friend in MN for sending along this blog to me...

hipster-ish is hilarious, so i thank the author of this blog and the many entertaining hours i will have reading it....

even though you totally ripped off this one:

I still like you and appreciate what you are doing for the hipster race.

Monday, November 9, 2009


my celebration-ish for this sad, sad monday...


family has a way of getting under your skin like no one else.
and today was a lot of that...
in the very least it wasn't the usual emotions of anger, frustration, and annoyance. only sad-ish today.

even with that said, i have to celebrate something every day, i have to be sweet every day and i have to be a little selfish every day.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

good fiance-ish

a man that brings his woman pizza is a good man.
what good fiance-ish on a drunken saturday....

fist pump to the dirty jersey and all the people that are from there (the -ish included)


Thursday, November 5, 2009

cookie monster-ish/google-ish 278

lovesssss the google-ish and who doesn't love cookie monster!?!!??!?!!?

me want cooooookiessssssss.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


sometimes in nyc, looking up is.... wow-sa-ish

you look at this island from afar and you see all these towering buildings, but when you live it, walk it, breath it (cough it?!?), it looks nothing like it did from across the river...

but then you look up...

Monday, November 2, 2009


wow today sucked.
a whole new level of sucked-ish.

and then i was super guilty because the homeless two-toed man on the subway, clearly, has it a little worse off than me...

but that still doesn't change the fact that i hate my job.
its official.
but it wasn't ever not official.


at least now the suckiness of sucks is motivating to look for another path. cause this one just sucksssssss.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

october-ish 2

october is coming to a close.
i love fall and i'm just so sad that my favorite month is coming to an end.
maybe that is why i stayed in bed all day today... avoiding the inevitable.

october-ish, you may have left me, but there is next year to look forward to, right!??


it feels like an end of an era, but all good things must come to an end.

i'm a little lost as to how and what this means (and what will i do on friday's?!?!?), but it feels like the right time to move on...

fridaze-ish is hopefully/sadly over.

Friday, October 30, 2009


plaintains please
this is the best food.
drunk or sober
i crave them daily.
plaintain-ish can be fried, baked, raw, sauced, seasoned, simmered.... etc.
its endlesssssssss

plaintains please

Thursday, October 29, 2009


what color is my parachute-ish????

i like the color of sky....