Tuesday, November 24, 2009

i hate men-ish

i hate that i hate men-ish.
i don't want to, but i have no choice. i'm left only with hatred for this race and the annoying things they do.

i wish i was a lesbian.
i wish i was a sexual.
but that just isn't the case. these fucking men. they get to me and fucking hate them. mother fuckers.
i'm so fucking angry at them all.


  1. It's hard not to hate them. Especially when they are instinctivley not conerned at all for how we think. What's funny is that men are not in controll. Woman are. Until woman get over anger issues towards men, WE will start to win at the prospect that they are not needed. A major shift is happening, and it's because woman, over an evolutionary period, are beginning to gain and take-over the wold once again - the way it used to be. It was a really sad the day they started objectifying us.

  2. The only hold, men have over us today, is vanity. Media/corporations/captilism, has twisted men in this favor. It's a very sly, but affective strategy that allows men to pretend they are for womans' rights. Turns out, I've never seen a woman so dependant on cosmetics and tricks to make men happy. We are animals, no doubt. Pretty feathers make us mate. But, in most species, the males are the ones that are more colorful. Why do woman cater to men? Stability. What are the odds that a man is stable. Not good. Atleast in the USA.
