Sunday, December 20, 2009

light at the end of the tunnel-ish

so... gq had an article of the 18 most annoying facebook friends.
my fave:
girl that has a really shitty job and can't wait til friday. like seriously a rainman like obsession.
(its close enough)

why is this my fave?
b/c its kinda of me.
i'm that asshole that has messages, like 'its only shit town tuesday...'

and this pic was taken before i read the article and with the intention of posting it on a friday with the title 'light at the end of the tunnel-ish' because i'm always fucking waiting for fridays and i'm always talking about how i wish it were fucking friday.

i'm so pop culture.
and fridays are seriously the only light at the end of the tunnel.
i'm so that girl.

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