Wednesday, June 30, 2010

just another day at work-ish

i get to do this on my lunch break.
i take lunch breaks now because of this.
it's amazing.

just another day at work-ish.
at least this part feels right.


after such a weekend...

time for the reflection-ish.

the cheese.

the insight.

the understanding.


so lovely.


i love the moon.

maybe it is because i am a night owl/lover of the night... haha.... that sounds ridiculous.

but i think it is calmness of the moon. the contrast of the white on black...
i was really loving this moon-ish while i was in the cabbie coming back home.

you can see the same moon in omaha, ne as you can in nyc... the backdrops, both equally tranquil/serene, but which one do i prefer?



but so easyyyyyy.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


look at those shoes (and belly!)
complete adorable-ish.

the pitch-ish

the pitch-ish is all you need for the game to start.
i love the 'smack' sound when the ball hits the catcher's mitt.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

o what a night-ish

o what a night-ish.

wet, sticky, drinkssssss.


i less than three my friends.
you make my life over and over again...

work-ish 289

and i complain about work-ish?


i'm pretty lucky.
and i don't even know it...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


i'm stuck.
i'm exhausted.
i'm tired.
i'm still....everything.

this week and half is the longest ever. it's like it stilllllll wants to hurt me and not stop.


so i'm posting a pic of a pretty bike that makes me semi-smile when i see it.

still-ish... wanting to move on and up... but.....

good friends-ish

i don't know what I would do without my good friends-ish.


you save my life over and over and over again... the hookah, too.

i less than three you.


Monday, June 21, 2010

give up-ish

i hurt today.

i want it to go away, but part of me doesn't.

once the hurt goes away... it will all go away...

will something take its' spot?

i just want to give up-ish today.
but i can't.


sometimes moments don't happen.

they exsisted in this window of time, but lacked the momentous occasion to explode.

momentous-ish...formed or unformed... there was something.


sometimes 6am-ish can be beautiful.

waking up to a picture starts your day out so differently...

Sunday, June 20, 2010


it's just a typical monday with a little hair flare.

so it wasn't a typical monday, but it easily could have been with this bow-ish.

that blue was so pretty!

Friday, June 18, 2010


i love cereal.

i eat it a lot... every day. somtimes twice... like today.

reese's pb puffs were on sale at cvs, therefore they had to be my dinner-ish.

along with some lovely $6 south african wine, of coarse.

mmmmm....what a lovely and fulfilling meal.

astoria blvd-ish

i love these guys.

astoria blvd-ish- i've only been a few times, but i need to go more...


Thursday, June 17, 2010

i need you-ish

since there is no one to love me...

i need you-ish to love me.
by you, i mean my amazing boy i have yet to own.

ps- that was suppose to read 'dog', but apparently i had something else on my mind?!?!!


i love you.
i need you.

by that, i def mean my future frenchie.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


i <3 nyc/mta graffitti.

this city is amazing.

don't get ugly-ish... or your screwed from heaven, too.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

wtf-ish 678

wtf-ish is that in my salad.

better yet... i never found out... and i kept eating it.

wtf is the matter with me?

Monday, June 14, 2010


so disappointed that i haven't blogged in a week! ahhh!

had the most amazing weekend, and now i am anxious beyond belief.

i was/am still flustered, confused, happy, angry, scared, sad, amazed, overwhelmed, speechless, and the like...

why so cute!?

why so flustered-ish?! all the time?!

ahhh! where are you?!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

old times-ish

so sometimes, i wish it were still like 1658.

where i, as a woman, would have nothing to do with my life. nothing.

no decisions to make, no fantastical ideas of making decisions, no will to make any decisions, no want to make decisions, no need to want anything out of life except to birth babies and listen to a husband.

that's all i would need for survival.

it sounds tempting sometimes. to have have no dreams because you weren't allowed to have any.

to be a null; a void of humanity. or humanity as we have been said to believe in. an alexithymia, if you will. (not really. but i'm trying to put my reading to good use.)

i know big words for a sunday night, and hardly the type of attitude i need to have for a monday that is sure to kick my assssss.

so... to robin hood, to the civil war era, to the repressive 1950's... here's to wishing that it was the old times-ish again...

Friday, June 4, 2010


this picture makes me go: "yeah-ish"

i love looking at it and knowing how happy i was at this exact moment!

yeah yeah yeah-ish

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

please end-ish

i was trying to find a picture that would resemble my need for this work week to end.

but this is all i found.

it's kind of amazing.

it is amazingly weird.

please end-ish work week. forever.

(can i will it?!)