Friday, January 15, 2010


so... this week has been fucking brutal.


a rough start to 2010...
but eventful. (?)

i've been pretty blind-ish to all that is going on around me and to me, so this posting is further symbolic in my current state. ignoring the obvious and intentionally ignoring the difficult and bad.

after all these years i'm still involved in the process of self discovery. it's better to explore life and make mistakes than to play it safe. mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.
-sophia loren

my friend is missing her blind cat and when she sent me the flyer i burst out laughing. it made my day. my week. thus far, my 2010. yes, i hope 2010 makes a stronger presense... but still ,'key feature: he has no eyeballs at all.'

that is kind of an amazing line.

he answers to stevie.

my friend is heart broken over this, yet i'm so thankful that that i was able to read this flyer.

so thanks, stevie.

now go home to cyn.
she is dying without you.

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