Saturday, January 30, 2010


o dear.

seriously. ignorance-ish is officially not bliss.

could you be more immature?
could you sound more like an asshole?
could you be more stereotypically republican?


i can't believe i didn't explode.
i'm kinda proud of myself.
good job, -ish.
you did well.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

lovesssss it-ish

so this day/week is kinda sucky... but the day this pic was taken was kinda amazing.

what a shitty/great day.

lovesssssss it-ish.
i totally wish i had the balls to ride a bike in the city and rock this ridiculious look.

o heyyyy.

Monday, January 25, 2010


when you don't think people could look stupider.
they find a way.
what a moron-ish thing to do.
can you heard of a coat?


Sunday, January 24, 2010

best christmas present ever-ish

amazing how someone can know me so well.

i love when you get the best christmas present ever-ish that you didn't even know you needed.

i less than three you, miss new jersey bitch.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

oh dear oh my-ish

just a lot to take in.

he has a girlfriend.

i'm an asshole.

my head hurts from having to think.

who lied and said life got easier as you got older/wiser?

oh dear oh my-ish... how can a week go so quick and so much happen?

oh deer oh my.

Monday, January 18, 2010


i always have overweight luggage when i go to the airport.

but i definitely had the transport gods watching out for me this holiday season while traveling...


i was one lucky (and $150 richer) gal because of it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


not really much to elaborate...


oh heyyyyy

Friday, January 15, 2010


so... this week has been fucking brutal.


a rough start to 2010...
but eventful. (?)

i've been pretty blind-ish to all that is going on around me and to me, so this posting is further symbolic in my current state. ignoring the obvious and intentionally ignoring the difficult and bad.

after all these years i'm still involved in the process of self discovery. it's better to explore life and make mistakes than to play it safe. mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.
-sophia loren

my friend is missing her blind cat and when she sent me the flyer i burst out laughing. it made my day. my week. thus far, my 2010. yes, i hope 2010 makes a stronger presense... but still ,'key feature: he has no eyeballs at all.'

that is kind of an amazing line.

he answers to stevie.

my friend is heart broken over this, yet i'm so thankful that that i was able to read this flyer.

so thanks, stevie.

now go home to cyn.
she is dying without you.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

trader joe-ish

i've been neglectful.

but that is only b/c i have been waiting in line at trader joe's
oh heyyyyyyyy!

i love trader joe's.
they best open one closer to my house so i can go there all the time and wait 30-45 minutes in their gynormo lines!

trader joe-ish is delicious.
especially when you try everything on the way home.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


so the holiday-ish is over.
whether you like them or not, they change your everyday thinking.

its sad, because they are such a distraction and all the bad/good things in life have an extra holiday glow.

now they are over and its back to just life.


i love how goofy the holidays make us, but the come down isn't pleasant.

i want to make everyday have the excitement of an anticipatory holiday.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

i love the weekend-ish

this doesn't need much explaining.
i just fucking love the weekend and the fact that i am not sitting at work having an aneurysm.


i'm getting anxious thinking about it.

i love the weekend-ish.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

i love life-ish!

so apparently i've been a little depressing.
what craziness!


i love life-ish!

2010 is already/going to be an amazing year!

Monday, January 4, 2010

my own personal jesus-ish 3

just need it.


over it.

you try and you try and you try and you still get shit on all the time.

i'm so tired, i'm so exhausted-ish, i'm sick of fighting....

and its only monday.
the first 'working' day of 2010.

fuck fuck fuck.

but at least this polar bear is adorable and the pic made me laugh.
sometimes i have a soul, i swear!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

self dignity-ish

so this ishhhhhh.

new years kinda sucks, but this year it came and went uneventful in the best way....

buttttt the morning of jan 2.
not the best.

this is esoteric, but this was my day later drunken attempt at some self dignity-ish that i completely lacked the day prior.

kinda funny.
kinda creepy.
all in all... its my life.

at least i have some self dignity-ish today.