Wednesday, December 30, 2009


i hate cats.
but this cat has a lot of qualities that i find intriguing.

1.) its enormous.

your one odd-ish, fat cat/dog.

keep on licking the faucet.


there is nothing that shows omaha-ish better than these pics.

merry christmas.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


i struggled with the name of this post... what we do best-ish or smoke-ish?
went with the smoke-ish only because it was shorter.

but kinda should be what we do best-ish.

i less than three you all.

baci baci baci

Monday, December 28, 2009


oh bailey.

looking like the queen you are in your fantasy world you think you live in.

i <3 you.

stop licking your ass and eating your poop.


there are a lot of reasons taco bell is amazing, but the spork-ish they created is a rotating number.

(competition is the chili cheese burrito)

really... it is an extremely useful utensil and i do not understand why it is not more commonly used/produced in flatware.

i will have to a change this.

i less than three the spork.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


stomach is a mess.
nerves won't stop.
i'm such a mess.
i just hope i get there for christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


i want to do a project with all the names of chinese food restaurants, because the names are fucking hilarious.

'u like' on 99th and columbus?

i saw this one on the upper east.
it makes no sense to me, (maybe in chinese culture?) but i was in a great mood and i loved that it was the name of a chinese restaurant.

and it totally wasn't dodgy.

happiness-ish changes everything you see, hear, and do. its a filter that allows everything to be bright, shiney, and new. i'm working to make every day just so...

great weekend.
without doing anything.
just great.

light at the end of the tunnel-ish

so... gq had an article of the 18 most annoying facebook friends.
my fave:
girl that has a really shitty job and can't wait til friday. like seriously a rainman like obsession.
(its close enough)

why is this my fave?
b/c its kinda of me.
i'm that asshole that has messages, like 'its only shit town tuesday...'

and this pic was taken before i read the article and with the intention of posting it on a friday with the title 'light at the end of the tunnel-ish' because i'm always fucking waiting for fridays and i'm always talking about how i wish it were fucking friday.

i'm so pop culture.
and fridays are seriously the only light at the end of the tunnel.
i'm so that girl.


it wouldn't be christmas without some snow-ish....
christmas is only good if there is snow.
so glad i'm finally getting in the spirit.

what more could you ask for?!??!

only some snow-ish

Thursday, December 17, 2009


“You don't have to accept the invitation to get angry. Instead, practice forgiveness, empathy and encouragement.”

—Dan Fallon

gotta refocus it.
its not worth it.

anger-ish, regret, all of it... its useless and a waste of energy.

you have to if you want it!

positive pertrude gets the peach

Sunday, December 13, 2009


bergdorf's-ish is amazing.
can't really describe it. the photos tell it all.

there is no question that they are the best and no one comes close to creating this kind of imagery.


just trashy.
only in philly-ish would they have a rando sign like this on a rando building in a rando area.

only philly.

again dolly-ish

dolly-ish was needed today, because of those that doubt me and my dollywood ambitions.
o just wait.
it's gonna be amazin'

Sunday, December 6, 2009

christmas tree-ish

its that time of year!
where i'm happy for all the right reasons.
although it feels like a sham... and generally turns out to be one...
i pretend....and love my christmas tree-ish more than is healthful.
to all a good night (day).

Saturday, December 5, 2009

uh oh-ish

we all make mistakes.

wish i could take some back.... but uh oh-ish is undoable.
just gotta deal, just gotta keep gettin' out there.

uh oh.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


you get soaking wet when you lose your $5.99 umbrella.
but at least i get to hear the pitter patter of the wind and rain-ish as i fall asleep tonight....