Monday, June 1, 2009


so... i should have posted this last weekend, but i didn't. i think it has to do with the fact that i had a crazy fun weekend and was so excitedly exhausted on tuesday that i didn't know what to do with myself. but here is the pic that reps memorial day and american-ish.

i spent memorial day with a bunch of foreigners and i thought that was ironic, being that a picnic or BBQing is such an american-ish past time. but i was quickly reminded that other cultures in this world picnic and BBQ....

how naive i am.

but to defend my american
-ish heritage and naitivity, we are the only culture that eats the smorgasbord of crap that accompanies a memorial day BBQ. that is truly american-ish.

if it is bad for you, and drenched in mayo, it is american-ish.

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