Sunday, June 28, 2009


so i know this image has no 'literal' rainbow-ish, but i swear it was the most vibrant rainbow.
it was sun showering for a few hours on and off and they were everywhere. double, triple rainbows.
so thanks to my lovely phone camera... i was able to capture the imagery perfectly.
not really, but i just wanted to post something that made me think of bright rainbows.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


what a lovely saturday in the NYC.
i think that calls for some flower-ish...

although, this image isn't from the NYC vegetation (TN lays claim), i literally just saw this same species (is that that right term to use?!) on 66th street.

i love the symmetry.
and i don't typically like symmetry, but there is something to be said for uniform design.
better yet when mother nature is the creative eye behind it.

how else would you describe such a perfect saturday in the city?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

cracker barrel-ish

self explanitory.
i less than three cracker barrel.
it is amazin'
nothing is more cracker barrel-ish than biscuits and gravy.


it's been awhile...
but i'm alive and kickin' again so its back to blogging about things that have that -ish...

one of the most amazing nights.... you had to see it to believe it, but this captures a bit of the fever that was TN.
just awesome.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


so it was only a 37 minute train ride away from the city, but it was an excursion....
anyone that lives in the city, needs to step out every now and then for a taste of reality in the way the other 99% of americans live their lives...

you just gotta travel-ish
there is a whole other world out there that is great and filled with delicious chicken fingers.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


i love olives.
this has become a semi-recent development for my palette, as i have always enjoyed them, but never LOVED them as I do now.
i crave them.
a lot.

my current supermarket stop stocked me up with three cans. Due to these rough economic times i go for the cheapest canned brand available, but honestly this richfoods brand is def olive-ish.
cheap and satisfying- they get the job done and done.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


they say breakers is the most important meal of the day...
and i heartily agree.
best with bacon and sausage.

breakers-ish with extra protein is always needed on shit town tuesdays.

Monday, June 1, 2009


so... i should have posted this last weekend, but i didn't. i think it has to do with the fact that i had a crazy fun weekend and was so excitedly exhausted on tuesday that i didn't know what to do with myself. but here is the pic that reps memorial day and american-ish.

i spent memorial day with a bunch of foreigners and i thought that was ironic, being that a picnic or BBQing is such an american-ish past time. but i was quickly reminded that other cultures in this world picnic and BBQ....

how naive i am.

but to defend my american
-ish heritage and naitivity, we are the only culture that eats the smorgasbord of crap that accompanies a memorial day BBQ. that is truly american-ish.

if it is bad for you, and drenched in mayo, it is american-ish.


just thought i needed to put some pics that made it all fun-ish. sometimes events like this become bigger than their purpose, so you have to remember why you are there.

to have some fun

we def made our kinda fun.
