Monday, August 31, 2015


I can't believe this is the first time I noticed this window.  I walk by it everyday... and when I saw this, it truly made my day awesome-ish

Sunday, August 30, 2015


the tomato-ish princess.
I have no idea she existed.  Maybe this is the first saturday I've been present in my wanderings...

summer saturdays-ish

this meal is such a heart attack, but it's worth it.  in my opinion.
there is nothing I look forward to more than food trucks, cold drinks, afternoon sun, far away lands (of red hook) and people just enjoying the summer.

this was my first of the summer... shocking, I know!  I've just had so many guests 'invading' my summer saturdays-ish that I haven't had a chance to fully enjoy... my solitude and pupusas.


away-ish they were...
the sky full of seagulls.
thankfully, no accidents (near me)

on the range-ish

i have no idea what movie this still is from, but all I can think of is home on the range-ish.
and how much I need that skirt.
it was a great way to spend an evening after work.
thanks, strand.

Friday, August 21, 2015


the smells-ish of NYC are vile this time of year.
it's like a different rainbow of shit smells permeating every successive city block.


away-ish we go.... in a circle around the bay of lower manhattan.

at least it was a lovely day and i took this photo.
Always an upside.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

wes anderson-ish

i like wes anderson-ish movies, just like every other person...
but seeing how they have inspired some many 'fans' (artists) to create an extension of the film vision.
Super cool and so entertaining.


veggie-ish dim sum = guilt free, right?!

falafel quest-ish

and the falafel quest-ish  continues.
Friday:  azuri cafe.
rating: legit!


funnest-ish cake ever!

I concur!

good morning-ish

good morning-ish new york!

Monday, August 3, 2015


I wants to be famous for cats-ish


not only did i make it to wawa-ish on this trip, but it was hoagiefest.
life couldn't get any better.


quantico-ish VA was super creepy.
it was a ghost town + 5 barbershops on one square block.