Sunday, May 31, 2015

freaked out-ish

seriously freaked out-ish.
this blog will never let this happen to me.


mess-ish, yes.  sexy, no.


it kind of felt like a big yellow-ish caution sign with people dressed really well.
fun day.
worth the sunburn.


simply magical-ish


chendol-ish needs to come to the use immediately.

pineapple pleasure-ish

pineapple pleasure-ish!  take yellow or red!


as much as i always assume i'm the best dressed, these little ladies stole the show in their kebaya-ish.  too cute!


and i though i'd go hungry in bali because of the bad 'fried' food.  please.  everything has coconut-ish or lemongrass in it.  if only i could move there...  well... i guess i could.


i couldn't get enough of the orchids-ish.  impossible to have a favorite.  and to think i have 60 more photos of different kinds...

chili crab-ish

i had legit chili crab-ish and it was AMAZING.  nuff said.

black and white-ish

black and white in the rainbow filled jungle scape.
it's like i can see this image on a graphic tee as i type this... #trending


who knew ginger-ish was so pretty?!


i hate saying never-ish, but i probably will never-ish experience a hotel this nice again.  or at least i don't think it's appropriate to even hope to.  so nice....


so... the sunset-ish was something to behold.  the colors!  so bright in the night.


if only my profile-ish were so strong.


the entire principal behind the offerings-ish is worthy of more than a photo, but at least i can use it to remember how they made me smile knowing i needed to incorporate this into my daily life as well...  Oh watch out!  don't want to step on them...


i'd be more religious-ish if my place of worship were this beautiful.


fog-ish can rarely look more beautiful.

sea of green-ish

it was a sea of green-ish... living, moving, and breathing.

pelinggih meru-ish

i've never seen anything like these.  like beautiful mushrooms of sacricity, these pelinggih meru-ish bloom to the heavens.


totally not as bad as people warned.
i actually liked the durian-ish!
i guess i'm singaporean.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


I died.  So good.  What a congratulations-ish.


Americans clearly aren't the smartest people on the planet.  The brilliant-ish individual that created this take away carrier out of a plastic bag is...


Signs of a delicious dinner at republic-ish


According to my bible (NY mag) the avocado will soon become a relic due to water supply in CA...
So I'm glad I was able to get this in while in SE Asia!  Who would have thought avocado-ish juice would be so delicious??? Well, that seems like an oxymoron comment... But whatever.


So it's the year of the goat/sheep-ish creature.  I'm glad I decided to not gift the ridiculous keychain to my niece because it looks so great on my gym bag!  So Asian of me with my bling...


meggles-ish is internationally recognized.


And what a WARM welcome-ish home it has been!!!!