Thursday, March 29, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

keep me warm-ish

i do miss having someone to keep me warm-ish
but only for a little bit, i get stuffy super easily.


i never wanted a car-ish until i saw this one.
the color was the perfectest taupe.
the size was so compact, but not tiny.
i wanted it!
it was so worth the boring date.

betty draper-ish

it's been all about mad men these past few weeks, and this is hardly betty draper-ish, but...

when art speaks-ish

when art speaks-ish sometimes it makes sence

cherry blossoms-ish

they were so lovely!
and very wet cherry blossoms-ish!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

not cute-ish

note to self (and everyone else): do not do the pregnant naked photo on a national magazine.
it's note cute-ish.
even demi's wasn't.
get over yourself, please!

over and out-ish

this was too amazing to pass up!
over and out-ish.
according to the artist, but to me it seems endless!

that's all folks-ish

that's all folks-ish for me and the captain.
relieved and disappointed.

Friday, March 16, 2012


so into the goldie-ish!
can't get enough...
even though it's about to get warm...
a lil' glimmer and glamour can go a long way.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

shepards pie-ish

mmmm shepards pie-ish

all of it-ish

did you really need all of it-ish?

Monday, March 5, 2012

ginger baby-ish

i'm in love with this ginger baby-ish.
i need one.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


i might just have to wait for this marni-ish.
it makes me pretty excited!

steak n' shake-ish

steak n' shake-ish.... you always have a pedestal in my heart.
