Wednesday, December 29, 2010


so the holidays... it's the home stretch.
and thank goodness, because meals like this... you can't have every night.
yummmm. delicious-ish all the way.

harvest moon-ish

i love pictures of the moon, the night, the sky, anything surreal.
like the harvest moon-ish last week... big and beautiful and towering over queens.


amazing bootylicious-ish.
b is soooo jealous.

star spangled west-ish

best store in all of omaha.
star spangled west-ish.
xo, me.

Monday, December 27, 2010

i hate airports-ish

seriously. i hate airports-ish. more than anything.

Friday, December 24, 2010

buche de noel-ish

not making buche de noel-ish this year... but next year- def.
xo, google.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

not my scene-ish

what a crazy week! i wish the holidays went a little slower so i could enjoy them more...

is that why you enjoy them? becuase they are so crazy you forget about the awfulness that family/obligations can bring.


not my scene-ish was this weekend. sad, but true.
this really is the best pic i could find.

Friday, December 17, 2010

christmas spirit-ish

this is my christmas spirit-ish.!
this is going to last all friday!!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

hard days night-ish

it was a hard days night-ish.
no love, but i'm trying.

Monday, December 13, 2010

o christmas tree 2010-ish

o christmas tree 2010-ish! it's amazing!

classic new york-ish

i love old school new york.
the classic new york-ish.
the way things were.

or at least the way i want to imagine them....

velvet bodysuit-ish

i want one.

god first-ish

god first-ish.
what a great hat-ish!


really? that many women prefer hats-ish?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

oh heyyyy-ish

oh heyyyy-ish gingerbread man!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

late afternoon-ish

i hate/love the late afternoon-ish.
hate: because i get really tired
love: i have a grrrreat view of the city and it is absolutely amazing.

they kinda look like christmas trees, no?

Monday, December 6, 2010


at least i have lucifer-ish to keep me warm at night.

kick me when i'm down-ish

you just keep kicking me when i'm down-ish.
i don't know how to get up from this anymore.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010