Wednesday, September 29, 2010

old friend-ish

i got in touch with an old friend today, it was kind of nice. well... really nice.

and i have an old friend-ish staying with for a bit.

my friends are my life (kinda seriously), and i actually do look forward to being literally old friends with these people.


Monday, September 27, 2010

happy birthday-ish

happy birthday-ish, google!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


'was i that bad?'
yes, yes... you were.
but i would only do this for my favorite bridezilla-ish.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


so... i bitch about weddings... all the time.

i'm actually really excited about the weddings-ish coming my way.

maybe it's because i won't be at work, but regardless, excitement is excitement.


i hope there is a time for reminisce-ish.
i feel a little closer after this morning...



:to indulge in the process or practice of thinking or telling about past experiences

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


i'm not bored at work, but i'm bored with work.

movein' on....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


we need to fucking reform health care.
seriously-ish who the fuck can budget for needed meds when you don't know how much they are going to cost in the first place?

Friday, September 17, 2010


i'm way too excited for this weekend.

mabon-ish = epiphany

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


so beautyis isn't a word, so beautyis-ish is even further from a word.... but i use it a lot. i use a lot of words that aren't words... a lot.

i'm over 'it'.

but i love beautiful things.
and i'm trying to focus on a quote:
every tomorrow has two handles, we can take hold of it with a handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.

and that is something i need to work on.
if faith makes you have these beautyis-ish images, than maybe i need to consider investing something into faith.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


no one says it quite like mg.

crossroad-ish are hard. where do you go... what do you do?

and the mind rolls on....


david-ish is that llama's seat i stole.
he made me smile.
i think i made him smile, too.

only happy when it rains-ish

sometimes it needs to rain.
today it (i) needed it. it was sunny and beautiful and then it rained. ugly and hard.

only a good earth shower can take care of some things.

sometimes... i'm only happy when it rains-ish.

or maybe i just like being clean :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010


apparently communal living is less stressful, our true nature as humans, and has a lot better beats.

amazing night.

i need some more commune-ish in my life.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


windy-ish and blown over.

i'm down and out on so many levels, but there are new things waiting for me around the corner.
i know it.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

god = fear-ish

again, not sure what to title this...
but these signs on the highway were just fantastic.

not sure if the first one is totally readable from the photo, but it reads: "if you died today where would you spend eternity?"
this sign is then followed by a sign that reads: "hell is real"

the fear of god into eternal life, just like beer is brought into god and adam's hands...

you are an amazing state, ohio.
thanks for the memories.

art = beer-ish

didn't know what to title this...
but i loved this ad.

art = beer-ish at it's finest.

and who could have picked a better subject?

well... there are a few... but...

what a feeling-ish

what a feeling-ish can come from food... too.

cincinnati chili-ish

the most delicious chili i've had.
but is it really chili?
o no! it's cincinnati chili-ish!
o hey.


and despair-ish taints your soul/life/movements/everything.
feeling sorry for yourself is exhausting. and dramatic.