Tuesday, August 31, 2010


i'm super spastic today.

haven't felt this crazy in a long time.

so why not have a little layla-ish romance to forget about my worries? although, i don't really find this story romantic.

it's heartbreaking.

he gets hurt... and hurting people isn't fun or nice or romantic.

or is that romance and that's what i have yet to understand?

but i love the name layla....

thanks wiki:

Qays ibn al-Mulawwah ibn Muzahim, was a Bedouin poet. He fell in love with Layla bint Mahdi ibn Sa’d from the same tribe, better known as Layla Al-Aamiriya. He soon began composing poems about his love for her, mentioning her name often. When he asked for her hand in marriage her father refused as this would mean a scandal for Layla according to local traditions. Soon after, Layla married another man.

When Qays heard of her marriage, he fled the tribe camp and began wandering the surrounding desert. His family eventually gave up on his return and left food for him in the wilderness. He could sometimes be seen reciting poetry to himself or writing in the sand with a stick.

Layla moved to present-day Iraq with her husband, where she became ill and eventually died. Qays was later found dead in the wilderness in 688 A.D. near an unknown woman’s grave. He had carved three verses of poetry on a rock near the grave, which are the last three verses attributed to him.

Many other minor incidents happened between his madness and his death. Most of his recorded poetry was composed before his descent into madness.

Among the poems attributed to Qays ibn al-Mulawwah, regarding Layla:[1]

I pass by these walls, the walls of Layla
And I kiss this wall and that wall
It’s not Love of the houses that has taken my heart
But of the One who dwells in those houses

Monday, August 30, 2010


just because i wanted to post something and it's monday and i'm in a weird mood.
this is paper-ish.
like real paper.

talk about tedious.
such a monday thing.

Friday, August 27, 2010


this was delicious-ish.

no need to explain further.

it's all in the pic.

pretty print-ish

i was stalking this girl on the subway because i loved her pretty print-ish.
it was lovely!
it was this lovely neon orange...

the pics don't do it justice, but it was the perfect blend of vintage love and city chic.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


so true.
except i can't totally relate.
but i can imagine that this is what 'real' love-ish is like.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

just walking to work-ish

just walking to work-ish, and i see a large marlin-like fish in the trash.

totes normal.

xo, nyc
from: -ish

Monday, August 23, 2010

will farrell-ish

sometimes you need to laugh.
i did this weekend, and i do today...depresssssssing rain, people, work, blah blah blah blah blah.

fortunately, will farrell's new movie did just this for me, 'because i dearly love to laugh'...(haha, that will be tomorrow's -ish)

so, thanks will farrell for finally pulling some will farrell-ish for me.
it has been too long since you made me laugh (/made a good movie).

i less than three you, will farrell.

Friday, August 20, 2010

can't sleep-ish

one of the worst feelings in the world has to be not being able to sleep. like when your super tired and you really just want to sleep and you can't.

last night was kind of awful.

tossing and turning.

can't sleep-ish sucks.

happy friday.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

tee shirt-ish

i hate tee shirts
i'm totally not in a hating mood today, but it needs to end.


what a weird, weird week.

all because of fucking tee shirt-ish.

and a million other things... but seriously, i'm just blaming it on fucking tee shirts.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


i wanted to be jasmine for years.

her gorgeous exoticism, her lovely turquoise pant suit, father that doted on her, alladin was her man, and she had a pet tiger! who wouldn't be jealous and want some jasmine-ish in their childhood (okay, adult...) lives?!

this picture speaks volumes that i picked the right idol.
jasmine kicks ass and looks hot.

get it girl. get it, get it grrrrl.

fairy tale-ish

these are amazing.

mal: xoxoxo.

my dreams of being in a fairy tale-ish did not end like this...

but let's be honest... these are highly more realistic, but slightly less like a fairy tale.


lovesssssssssss it.

Monday, August 16, 2010


even though this has nothing to do with the actuality of riding the lirr, i thought it was funny.

i've been into animals dressed up (hence earlier post), so i just kind of pictured the pigeons in the lirr uniform saying, "the 3:56 train leaving headed for long beach is leaving from track 8..."

that would be amazing.
such a better lirr-ish post.

Friday, August 13, 2010

dem cheeks-ish

my attempts at online dating have finally paid off.

dem cheeks-ish.

there is no explaination needed.
at all.

Aug. 7, 2010 – 1:44pm
hello, i observed and admired your profile and was wondering when you were gonna let me clap dem cheeks?

my desk-ish

who knows how long i will be at my desk...
so i must document.

it's kiiiind of amazing.

what a lovely day... with the breeze... with the light... with the city.


the best thing about my work: my desk-ish.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

oh goodness-ish

i didn't know what to say...
other than oh goodness-ish, oh my.

i'm so flustered and i can't focus at all.
i don't know what to do.

oh goodness, oh my... what am i to do?!

i have no idea what this pic is about. its rando. just like whats going through my head right now.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

sweet millions-ish

this is going to make me switch.
i never thought i would leave powerball, but bunnies in costumes did me in.

thanks sweet millions-ish... you make me smile :)

Friday, August 6, 2010


so... the video for the riri/m&m song is kinda fantastically foxy-ish.

but aren't all good music videos?
megan fox is hot.
the song is pop genius.

and amazing that so many people relate to the hotness of abusive relationships.
so healthful.

i would rather this than clown college, no?!!?!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


i think i have numb-ished before, but what the hell.

i'm still numb and not wanting to think or do anything.
i'm angry, sad, confused, frustrated....blah blah blah... borrrring.

i'm also wondering why this picture is funny/weird, because that is not at all how i feel. i guess i want to laugh now, but it doesn't feel right.

nor does feeling bad for myself for being a boob.

nor does it feel right to be happy for this emotion over the other emotionssss i have been feeling...

so i'll stick with numb. i'm numb-ish to everything right now.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

ouch-ish 5669

so it must be difficult to not have a neck.
how would you turn your head? ouch-ish!

today was a big time ouch-ish.
not was i was expecting, but kindaaaaa was.

ouch-ish sums today up so well.

ouch-ish, ouch-ish, ouch-ish.

Monday, August 2, 2010


so i'm always ratting on how much i don't want kids and they annoy the shit out of me... but this kid-ish was just too damn cute. kids can be okay...