Thursday, July 29, 2010


i'm learning how to give.

giving-ish can be really hard when your used to only being for/about yourself.

but it really shouldn't be as hard as i'm making it...

beautiful book.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


i thought they only did this in central park on saturdays?
apparently they come to dumbo, too.

o asian-ish
you fucking crazy.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


a lovely cherub-ish for my bum.

loves it...

i wish you lived down the street-ish

so i'm a lil'...
thinking about things I shouldn't... and i saw this picture on a blog...

and it would be great if you lived down the street-ish so we wouldn't have these 'i have go leave' conversations.

no sure if that is what this picture is implying, but that is where my mind is anyway.


Monday, July 26, 2010


so i've been pretty numb to experiencing anything lately.
it's been kind of... painful? be this blank.

i kind of feel like i'm on drugs.
and apparently peyote is pretty intense.

so i guess i'll pretend i'm going to burn this pain away by doing a lil peyote-ish.
thanks, drugs.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


i really like clouds.
especially really big thunderheads before a storm.
i literally 'oooohhh'-ed when i saw this picture.
what cool cloud-ish.

or maybe i'm just weird.

can you find-ish

can you find-ish the howling object?
this is just like where's waldo...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

kind of the cutest thing ever-ish

thanks for posting kind of the cutest thing ever-ish.
i needed something to post today...

Friday, July 16, 2010


i wish i was as hard as this woman.
all this metal-ish on her dress is rough... and could be kinda hot.

if she were real, that is...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


i need some aussie-ish in my life.

or november?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


to cry blood would mean one (or all?) of the following:
1.) your a vampire
2.) you got shot in the eye
3.) your being dramatic-ish

there probably are several more possiblities, but i'm keeping this simple for time's sake.

i guess my issues would be more inline with #3, but let me tell you...
i feel like i got shot in the eyes, the heart, the gut, the etc.

so dramatic.

i wish it was #1.
cause that would be fun and amazing.

Monday, July 12, 2010


so... kids really annoy me sometimes...
but when you hear their kid-ish joy over something as fleeting fireworks.
it's endearing.
it's cute :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

ace hotel-ish

what a meaningful quote on so many (recent) levels...

(haha.. levels... it's on stairs... hahaha... the pun, where no pun was intended...i crack myself up...)



i'm just thinking about how coincidental this... consequence is no coincidence.
thanks, lauryn.

getting back to the original meaning of this.
i liked the ace hotel-ish, and if i had millions of dollars to have marble stairs (or even stairs in my 400 sq ft. apt...) i would do this same thing.
i love it.

empire state of mind-ish

just an empire state of mind-ish.
at the most unexpected place... pretending i'm in a jay -z video.
i less than three this city.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

wedding dress-ish

if there is a wedding dress-ish in my future...
this is it.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


i think the neon-ish pops are making a come back...
i loooooooves this.

Monday, July 5, 2010


along with the bomb pops... what about the snap-ish?!

o memories of childhood.
when the biggest problem was the snap that your bother hit you in the face with. it did burn...


i love the fourth of july.

my favorite holiday. all american, bad beer, bbq, eating, swimming, more eating, rooftops, smokingggggg....

and the nostalgia of it. how different the holiday is now than what it was when you were 9 years old eating bomb pops with the neighbors at the block party. hmmmm...

an attempt to capture the awe that is fireworks.
this picture just came out rad-ish.

i have no idea what happened. but it's kinda rad.


i have to stop hating on him.
bad karma

but this pic is creepy-ish.
lennon/rat: you are a creep and i will try to love you.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


o the memories of palace-ish...

so we only played three games, goofed several rules, missed a deck of cards, but the funness was there.

o palace. thank you.

Friday, July 2, 2010

long weekend-ish

yeah yeah yeah for long weekend-ish (s)

tons of work awaits me... but that is for next week!

long weekend long weekend long weekend!

who wouldn't want to spend it with chris klein?
