Monday, May 31, 2010

don't end please-ish

don't end please-ish.

it's been too much fun fun fun

xoxoxox memorial day... you always treat me well.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

i heart baseball-ish

i heart baseball-ish.

not sure way.

and the thought/memory of my desire to marry a baseball player.
be a player's wife.


i crack myself up.

i guess it's always been in me!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

just a little bit ridiculous-ish

title says is all.

sure. i love her.
she is my niece.

but she looks just a little bit ridiculous-ish.

Monday, May 24, 2010

worst day of work-ish

this picture is fucking gross.


it's honestly looks like more fun than work for the rest of the week.
today was probably the worst day of work-ish. ever. yet.

really couldn't have gotten much worse.
but then it did.

thanks, work.

can't wait til tomorrow.

Friday, May 21, 2010

moving on-ish

apparently, steve hanks is an amazing artist.
he speaks to me and my current situation.

i'm so ready.
i'm moving on-ish.

yeah yeah yeah.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


i'm still tired-ish

and i was in bed by 11pm last night.
why amd i still tired-ishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?

Monday, May 17, 2010

why sleep is amazing-ish

this might look sexual... but it's not.
really it's not.

it's just showing why sleep is amazing-ish.
complete comfort.



life imitates art.

or as we like to say in apparel...
apparel imitates everyone else.

well, there is no 'we' that says that...
i just wanted to point out how literal knockoffs are and how uncreative this industry is.

what a familiar-ish looking graphic. i wonder where they got this image?!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


muff i less than three you.


you made my night last night.

please duck (spelling?!) next time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

amazing-ish #289

just amazing-ish.

fuck all y'all happily married couples.
you aren't.
stop lying about it.

thanks, mal :)

this is how i feel right now-ish

and this is how i feel right now-ish.
just tape me up.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


i don't think it gets easier.

only more awkward.
just like this photo.

thanks, dating-ish for making my life semi-entertaining.

thanks for never getting easier, becuase i am the first to say that good things are never easy.

but they are exhausting.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


this man/pug was named homer.

he is so stoic-ish.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

focus on the good-ish

focus on the good-ish.

at least i wasn't staring at a computer screen.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

how to get over a guy-ish

how to get over a guy-ish?
i have no idea.

i like the bad ones. not even the 'bad boy' ones... but the bad ones. the ones that have bad tattoos, treat me bad, and like bad music.

yet i can't get over their badness.

please help.

Monday, May 3, 2010

grateful for-ish

thankful and grateful are close enough...

so i'm hating on something i have to do today. like i'm pissed, but there are plus sides...

i'm grateful for-ish:
1.) the fact that i'm still at my house at 8:38am
2.) i got to sleep an extra hour
3.) i didn't wake up to an alarm
4.) i don't have to stare at a computer all day today
5.) i don't have to sit through/prepare for a sales meeting

thats a pretty good list for being pissed about having to do something.

happy monday.
be grateful.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

drunk and thinking of you-ish

not much to elaborate on.

new york, new york by ryan adams.

at least i didn't make an ass out of myself.

i was just drunk and thinking of you-ish....
