Wednesday, April 28, 2010

french bulldog-ish

i need one.

i need something to love.

french bulldog-ish, are you ready for me?!


so i'm not all into protecting fat chicks or skinny chicks or ugly chicks or pretty chicks.

i'm also not into hating on fat chicks or skinny chicks or ugly chicks or pretty chicks (except for orange chicks...seriously, lay off the tanning beds, you look weird).

i'm just not down with hating on people to hate on them. sometimes people say the most hateful things and it amazes me that they can exist with/without knowing they are hateful dicks.

so mr. threesom : I'm a 8.5" s... machine (wow i just read the name. i feel gross just typing it), your a dick-ish. the worst kind. don't ever look at my profile again.

definition of a dick-ish:
P.S. If you are 5'5" and you weigh +190 Lb or you wear size +12 you are not AVERAGE! and no F... way you have the ATHLETIC!! body type, it is called being fat.In real world size 10 called Average not Size 12-14! Seriously what are you thinking??? Do you think we are blind?(: So please choose the correct option "Few extra pounds". There is nothing wrong with having some extra pounds, I'm sure some guys out there who like big girls. Think about it, we are going to meet each other so please keep it real. PEACE...

Monday, April 26, 2010

case of the mondays-ish

having a case of the mondays-ish... big and bad!
today is full throttle.


when will it be time to go home?

need a lil' mg to remind me that there are more important/beautiful things in life than sales reports, stress, pressue, and running around like an idiot.

xoxoxxoxoxo mondays!
tryin' to give you some love so you will give me some.

Friday, April 23, 2010


i'm so sleepy-ish.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

happy tuesday-ish

it's rare that i am happy on a tuesday.

happy tuesday-ish!

i'm keeping it pumping!

Monday, April 19, 2010

emotional monday-ish

while doing research on emotional monday-ish, i came across this lovely tid bit:
'mojo monday: owning what you feel through emotional cleansing'
doesn't really apply, but maybe my sea cow can relate.

dear sea cow,

your gay shark awaits.


happy emotional monday, y'all.

what if-ish

there was nothing to it?
what if-ish this was meant to be nothing?

at least the iphone is coming to verizon in june.

o heyyyy

that will give me some meaning.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

phone addiction-ish

i hate people that are addicted to their phones.

none of my friends are in the process of curing cancer or world hunger, so there is absolutely no reason why you need to be looking at your phone every 5 minutes.

it is so annoying and self depreciating. i'm all about being 'in the know', but honestly, some people need to remove their phone from their ass. it is really disturbing.

of all things to be addicted to in the world... why would you want phone addiction-ish?

get over it.

your not that important.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

chicken wing-ish

hmmm... chicken wing-ish is what i look forward to all week.

i love chicken wings.

i crave them all the time.

all the time.

wednesday, i love you.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

live hard-ish

just feeling like this today...
you have to live hard-ish to play rough.

you do.
otherwise it wouldn't be rough without the hard.

i love to work, but i want to reap the benefits from it.

i need to play rougher, but i need to play first...

just excited about life today! i gotta take it by the balls!

Monday, April 12, 2010


in the sports world... they are always talking about the form.

this cherry blossom may not be in the sports world, but it definitely has beautiful form-ish.

start the week-ish

such a beautiful weekend.
i'm beyond grateful that spring is finally here.

i needed to have it continue through the start of the week-ish until this coming weekend.

thanks, cherry blossoms


i want this tattoo. sort of it. its cool and all, but mine will be cooler. nice to see though.

great placement for the tattoo-ish.

now... if only you had a less 'i'm too cool for school' attitude, girl in jamba juice. your tattoo-ish would be way more awesome.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

why why why-ish

why why why-ish is it 9:27 am on thursday and i want to be this woman?

i'm tired.

at least it's not monday.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

makes me want to get up in the morning-ish

i read dust of snow by robert frost about once a week on the subway. i love that poem. it speaks to the things in life that make it beautiful...

work makes me bat shit crazy... daily.

but i've come a long way because i'm learning to just breath and remember that there are simple parts of life that i can focus on when all goes to hell.

thats what this pic does for me.

reminds me to breathe.

it's these images/moments/memories that make me want to get up in the morning-ish.

Monday, April 5, 2010


for a sex filled weekend.

o heyyyy....

sex-ish for the easter rebirth.

thanks, hollister. always pushin' the envelope for the 13 year olds...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

nice office-ish

why i need a new job.

nice office-ish MG.

some day soooooon....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

why i love new york-ish

thanks, stevieeeeeeee.

why i love new york-ish and never want to leave.
they speak my language here.

new york... i less than three you.