Tuesday, March 30, 2010



seriously. rain rain go the rainy-ish away.

wish my lil village of manhattan looked like this when it rained.

i'm so not cute with this weather...

Monday, March 29, 2010

can i look like her-ish?


its raining and gloomy.

i look cute today, but i want to this lovely models sophistication, please.

can i look like her-ish for a day? just to see what it is like... just for a bit.

thank you.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I'm feeling completely uninspired by life right now. not really depressing, just completely uninspired-ish.

this picture is so cute and kind of how i feel at the moment. i wonder what it would be like to be a panda bear? hmmmm.

i'm blaming this reoccurring cold that won't leave me be. i hope this week is brighter than the weather and i lose weight.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

st. patty's day-ish 2

just cool pic.

st. patty's day is the 2nd largest drinking day in nyc.
(behind the day before thanksgiving)

i think it deserves two posts...

there is a cabbie in the forefront of this pic... can you see it!??!

Monday, March 22, 2010


so quintessentially la.

missin' you like candy.

never thought i would say that to you, la.

thanks for some fun la-ish times.

oh heyyyyyy la

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

st. patty's day-ish

i'm not irish.
but i like to pretend sometimes.... cabbage and corn beef is good once a year...

i love murphy's, guinness, and jameson.

ooooo irish breakfast, too.
one of the best meals i had there....


had to ring in the holiday at 1:30am today.
jameson on the rocks.
perfect capper.

this ones for sarah jane.

happy st. patty's day-ish, my sea cow

Monday, March 15, 2010

daylight savings-ish


daylight savings-ish is bull shit.
we all need more sleep. and now you take it away???


Saturday, March 13, 2010

baby making-ish

so... how ironic that i post about marriage and then baby making-ish?

my friend was cracking me up about losing weight to get pregnant so she doesn't look like a linebacker when she gets preggers.

it was kind of hilarious, and freakishly, true.

searching for a baby making pic is a little challenging, so why not go for baby making positions. everyone loves the art of trying.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


i want to get married-ish.

there i said it.

its the truth.

it would be nice to be with someone and have them love me forevers.
hmmmm.... sounds nice :)

not tomorrow or anything... but someday... something to work towards....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

eats its young-ish

lovessss this tee.

way too true.
nyc eats its young-ish.

why doesn't it have the '... and then spits them out.' part?


Sunday, March 7, 2010

i don't want it to end-ish

just don't want it to end-ish
what a great day.
thanks... i needed it :)


who said reading isn't cool?
this was one of the coolest things i saw today.
this is all made out of books.

i can see your future-ish


i want her dress-ish

dress envy.
it happens to all of us.
you want what you don't have and this was one of those things...
i want her dress-ish so bad.
its so damn cute.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


i love this picture.
its one of my favoritest-ish of allll timmmmme.

i don't even like collies that much, but its just amazing.

maybe because it reminds me of every picture my mom would take of my brothers and i on the frist day of school. standing on the front door step with our new lunch boxes all smiles and happy.

aren't they happy looking collies?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

tee shirt-ish

tee shirt-ish is my life.
over it.