Saturday, February 27, 2010


well this is how i am at work.
in a deeeeeep deeeeeep hole that (is not nearly as playful) I cannot get out of.

at least this is a nice way to look at it.
she's diggin'-ish for fun!
not trying to find her way out....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

my future home-ish

so this is from a bathroom at my favorite 'coffee shop'.
i just love it.
i want it in my future home-ish. its farmhouse, sahbby chic meets retro bakery.

can you guess where i was?!

yes- that beautiful bag is my mine... a well placed prop.
is set design in my future?!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


what a day.
fashion-ish to the fullest.
but good fashion-ish.
the bestest.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


cute/sad movie.

all about random connections and the activities that drive them.

drummin-ish in the park.
that could be a new venture....

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


the birds get away from the cold by living/nesting in our heating vents.
in the morning writing e-mails and doing work 'stuff' it was relaxing, soothing, even enjoyable....

unfortunately, i am beginning to find it really annoying that i have to listen to a happily tweeting bird while i have to do stupid shit and deal with stupid people.

tweet-ish, while beautiful in theory...
i have found my ever present jealousy in this other creature's happiness.

but it sounded nice....

Monday, February 15, 2010


my valentine-ish involved none of this.

boob painting and a lot of alcohol is so much better.

i recommend it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

orange goblin-ish

If that orange goblin (-ish) was sneaking up toward my bed like this I would attack it with my shoe and try to kill it.


i love
so trashy and it (can be) pretty damn funny.

i would love to post the real picture so the quote made more sense, but i couldn't bring myself to. the girl he is referring to makes me embarrassed to be a woman... like we are associated by default since we share the same gender. (but is she a she?)


posted this image instead, because it makes sense with the quote... sort of.

i love this dog-ish

yeah... so i love this dog-ish.

shes amazing and i want her for my own.

i less than three you mg.


i hate vodka.
yet i drank so much of it last night

and then i puked and puked and puked.

hmmmmm.... vodka-ish

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snow day-ish

never thought i would love snow as much as i do today!

movies in the a.m. watching the snow fall...

i thought snow day-ish was only a part of my past ... but not today!
oh hey!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

what a day-ish

not sure what to post for an image here.
but yesterday was a doozy.

woke up today (thank god for melatonin), thinking it had to be friday.
it isn't
its only shit town tuesday.

its gonna be just fine, though.
it has to be.
hopefully today will be what a day-ish... only i will be saying it with a smile, not with a sigh, and the word 'fuck' strategically placed in the phrase.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


in relation to my prior post.
i just enjoyed the blowing-ish.
shouldn't this be in kansas or something!?

only in nyc-ish

in nyc (or any urban setting for that matter) there is the strangest dichotomy:
Urban meets rural, modern meets old-fashioned, clean meets dirty, convenience meets technology, etc., etc.

who thought ice on the smelly, dirty ass river could be beautiful? who knew northern jersey could be described as 'scenic'? who would imagine a modern castle like structure would loom over you as you exit the filth of the subway?

these images were never imagined prior to their nyc reality. no architech or city planner anitipated these...

only in nyc-ish.

Friday, February 5, 2010

feet-ish 556

o heyyy
combat it up with the feet-ish.
strange night.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

google-ish 967

google-ish yesterday was so damn cute!

i just love this romantic idea of puppy love.


i want this!

and the puppy!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


who wouldn't love this face?!

made my day.

mg-ish... i less than three you.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

drugs at work-ish

seriously. wtf.

whoever does these kinds of drugs at work-ish is problematic.

Monday, February 1, 2010


sometimes (often) people lack the ability to put their talents into action. it's a sad case... so much talent and creativity is left in no man's land, no guidance to surface.

tim burton has not lacked this...
his abilities are astounding and, more importantly, absolutely motivating-ish.

seeing what he has created and moved forward with is the best step needed on a monday.

thanks, tim.