Saturday, October 31, 2009

october-ish 2

october is coming to a close.
i love fall and i'm just so sad that my favorite month is coming to an end.
maybe that is why i stayed in bed all day today... avoiding the inevitable.

october-ish, you may have left me, but there is next year to look forward to, right!??


it feels like an end of an era, but all good things must come to an end.

i'm a little lost as to how and what this means (and what will i do on friday's?!?!?), but it feels like the right time to move on...

fridaze-ish is hopefully/sadly over.

Friday, October 30, 2009


plaintains please
this is the best food.
drunk or sober
i crave them daily.
plaintain-ish can be fried, baked, raw, sauced, seasoned, simmered.... etc.
its endlesssssssss

plaintains please

Thursday, October 29, 2009


what color is my parachute-ish????

i like the color of sky....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


bailey's is the most delicious-ish thing ever.
nuff said.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


great fun.
ol' times
italy-ish would not have been what it was without them

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


oprah-ish just inspired me to get high on life and making mine purposeful.

thanks, oprah.
i might just love you.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


i was going to save this, but i really need it.
i want to be hopeful, and this just looks... hopeful.
is this my (fake) catholic upbringing coming out?


after a recent trip that was fruitful and painful, i'm trying to look at the simplier and beautiful aspects of life.
so much of life is completely out of your control just like the rays of hope-ish....

it just happens and you look, you live it, you just take a breathe, you smile, you appreciate, and you feel hope again.


its cold as fuck here and hopes of a nice fall are lost to me at this point...
the only good thing about winter is soup.
i love soup!
first one of the season!
soup-ish is my delight!

myrtle beach-ish

what i will forever associate with myrtle beach-ish...
old poeple and their metal detectors
walking up and down... looking for....?


never really got it, but i lovessssss it.
i will have to get me one the next time i am there.
for real.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


there are a lot of canadians in myrtle beach.
one imparticular had me for a bit.

could i do it?

it sure is pretty.

it looks fakkkkkkeeeeeee (thanks, google)
i guess this is calgary-ish :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

happy birthday-ish

happy birthday-ish!


i'm 26 and this was my last day of being 25-ish.
positive purtrude prevails

mother fuck, i'm 26

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


pigeons are dirty and can be really gangly...
but fatty-ish pigeons are cute.

Monday, October 12, 2009


can you imagine being with the same person for 30 years?
i wish i could.

an anniversary cupcake to commemorate this milestone.

i just can't fathom it, yet i can because i hope to have one of these for myself one day.

what a longggggg marriage-ish.


baby breakdown, go ahead and give it to me
breakdown, honey take me through the night

what i don't understand about breakdowns, is that you can't control when they are going to happen. you can't adjust your life, makeup, or time to when you are not going to be able to function.

but i guess then it might not be a breakdown?

breakdowns would be so much more helpful if they could be scheduled. you might get more out of the release if you were able to give it proper attention.

breakdown-ish: the best and worst of life combusting at an undisclosed time and place.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


i don't know if i have posted about my love for vampires and all their vampire-ish behaviors, but i am now.

they've been on my mind as of late.

more so than the usual.

i guess because it is the halloween season and the like, but who wouldn't want eternal life at the expense of others... and look beautiful. well, the first part actually sounds awful, but the second part wouldn't be half bad.

and the old time vamps are way cooler than modern day vamps. the edward cullen vamp is a borderline insult to the race (but extremely entertaining with lots of vodka/gin), and i'm not knocking eric (never!), but louis def wins in any vampire battle.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


i have a long list of things i want to do in my life...
given my current lost/confused state of mind, why not wander further into the muck i call hope and desire...

being a writer is one of them. i define a writer as someone that gets paid$$$ to write. i may write a lot, but i have yet to earn myself the title of writer.

to get this writer-ish flowing i am going to start a series of interviews on this blog. i'm looking forward to it. gotta start somewhere.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Make new friends,

but keep the old.

One is silver,

And the other gold,

i love my friends.
i have realized as i reach my old, old age that true friends become less and less...
so keep those you have.

make time and treasure the past you share.
lame and more lame, but its the truth.

my friends are my family.
everyone needs family-ish love. your lying if you don't.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


i <3 october.
it is my favourite month for many reasons: the weather, the change, the leaves, the colors, the scarves, the loveliness, etc.

i'm going upstate next weekend for some apple picking and hope to get some classic fall foliage images for posting... but until then i will have to succumb to google search. and how appropriate that this was the first pic to come up with 'i love october' in the search field?

i <3 october-ish
lovesssssss it.

its something to be happy about when it seems there...
no depressing comments.

only fun. like the picture.

thanks for coming, october.

you were much needed.


just too appropriate



i love to wander.
i like to just leave, move about unknown, leaving me with my ambiguity.

so interesting that i found this tee on urban outfitters while doing something for work... and it just gave me an epiphenomenon.
all from a graphic tee.

recently, i've felt more lost than ever while i've been doing very little wandering. i've been following this very straight road. a road that i paved, and yet, I'm still completely lost.

but there is this part that isn't.

i need to have more of my wander-ish back.
i'm working on it.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


just livin' in the moment.

get into the moment-ish.

so i try...