Wednesday, September 30, 2009


everyday i want to set a standard.
some days, i get there...a lot of days i don't.

today i did.

a little standard-ish goes a long way.
baby steps lead to monster steps.

this post is kinda bogus, but i gotta remember the little markers as well as the big.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


i pass this every day in my current life.
to be new.
its coming.
i can feel it.

Monday, September 28, 2009


today wasn't the worst monday.... actually it was semi-good.
but at the start of the work week this is how i feel.
generally, every day at work.

happy monday-ish

Sunday, September 27, 2009


i love graffiti.
its such a large platform for someone to display their art.
all types of people can and will see it.

pop culture references.
neat fonts.
and just fun.
how graffiti-ish.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


probably one of (if not the) best thing about the weekend is being able to read in bed.
its saturday-ish.
its the weekend.
its bliss.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


this picture is gorgeous.
it was a goregous morning.
one that you live for. yeah definitely a morning that you live for.

and on the complete other end of the spectrum... i feel i'm living in a fog. i'm not me, i'm not going things that are good for me, i'm not doing a lot of right.

they're both fog-ish.
they're both so hard to describe... i hope this imagery does it justice.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


mushrooms are delicious
in all forms.
beautiful and yummy as a veggie and fun (yet, strange?) as a lil' side kick.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


mabon feast 2009
not sure what mabon-ish technically is... but from what i experienced, this should be pretty close.


its like edward cullen but not.
twilight-ish is amazing
even when you are in your mid twenties.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


this is me
right now.
i didn't eat mcd's, but i ate a cheesy cuban sandwich and greasey fries.
it was really good going down.
i'll take this fat-ish tummy ache for a cuban any day...
well not any day, but select days.

Monday, September 14, 2009


i think this 'ad' explains how my day went.
not that i need to elaborate, because it keeps running like a broken record in my head over and over and over and over again...

i wish i had an ounce of this fukitol-ish in my psyche right now.
i'm lacking it big and bad.
i want to fukitol to the moon and back right now.

happy fucking monday.

ps- i'm totally not embarrassed to say that I got this from one of three chain e-mails that my mom sent me today. yup. i read them all today.


so this poor blind tailess albino rat was on the subway platform tonight.
it was sad
it was bumbling-ish around and walked off the edge of the platform to its untimely death.... (well not sure if it died, but....)

it was like watching a car wreck or a brittney spears video, you know is so bad and wrong to keep watching, but you still do...

Sunday, September 13, 2009


thats all bamboo.

how organic....


just for sarahahahahahaha

loves the converse-ish.
do you remember your first pair????

Friday, September 11, 2009


rainy and sad day
so boosh!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


great quote-ish.

kinda the only thing that got me thinking momentily; this is all there is. make the most and bestest of it. i used two words that aren't words. but that's not important.

guess who?

Saturday, September 5, 2009


given that i am quite embarrassed right now....

it is only right that i am feeling quite sorry for myself

so to exemplify my self-pity-ish today....
i thought an image of pound puppies might help

they're cute, but kinda depressed looking, right?

so i guess it doesn't really help, but it seemed like a good fit.


my computer is acting crazy_ fyi

i"m feeling embarrassed after my behavior last night for several reasons.
pretty literal.

quite embarrassed-ish

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


august is over.
where did it go?

i'm so over-ish.