Sunday, August 30, 2009


i hate being touched.
physically that is...
i hope to change that at one point in my life, but have yet to get there.

she looks so sad.
if only she were touched-ish.

but maybe she is much like me in her disdain for unwanted false affections?

on an un-physical level, this image speaks a different piece.
the drip.
the moment of passing knowledge from one to the next.
in this sense, i can't be touched enough.
you've been touched-ish

Saturday, August 29, 2009


i love old.
there is something timeless about old. that they aren't that different from today's standards, yet they are.
that makes no sense.

i love old pictures.
and old pictures display a type of life that i never believe exsisted... only in a type of a fairy tale. yet, you see these images and they look anything but made up. because they aren't. they are vintage-ish. bringing what is so hard to imagine that was once reality, into a snap shot of life.

vintage-ish takes you back to time that once was, but is so hard to imagine was. makes me believe in those fairy tales i condemn as unrealistic. because beauty and perfection like this really was.....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

i fell in love again-ish

you know that feel of falling in love with something all over again?
like it was the first time...
and completely forgetting why you broke up????

thats what happened when i was listening to the black keys this week.
i totally fell in love again-ish.
thanks black keys...
i less than three you

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

strong-ish 2

in the need of some strong-ish women.

and no- i'm not a crazy femmy.

but women can only understand women.

and women strong is a very different strong than man strong.

so i post women that i think are strong. they stood for something. made it happen. sex or whatever was moot. they made shit happen. and that is what i need now.


maybe if i post enough strong women, their strong-ish will oooooze into my core.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


so i totally stole this from fashionista today, but it honestly is exactly what i thought when i first walked into a hollister.

the smell made me sick to my stomach.

thanks, mike and fashionista.

so quote-ish worthy today:

“On the way down I stopped in the fragrance room and sampled the Laguna Beach body mist. It smelled like Jolly Ranchers being breathed on my face by Hayden Panettiere. Here the store also sells its California fragrance, which is spritzed on the mannequins every hour; it’s a noxious concoction that, I assume, is distilled from mink sex glands and the tears of broken-hearted teenage girls.” —From Mike Albo’s brilliant review of the new Holister store, in The New York Times

bff-ish 3/pb&j-ish

2 is better than 1.
(in these cases, yes...)

i love pb&j-ish without the j(-ish).

in my research to find the best of the best of the best of the best friends necklace, i came across a million images of this. hardly original (apparently), but i love it none the less.

don’t get the wrong idea.
i don’t have all these bff to share this bff-ish with…

secondly, i can’t believe i am using the bff so much on this blog.
is it that hard to write best friends forever? or has our culture gotten so lazy that we can’t write anything out any more? (ex: ex, w/o, pls, btw, brb, wtf, etc, etc…)

i hate that abbreviation it gave me heart attacks all throughout high school.
girls and their f***ing ‘bffs’

i have ventured far off topic.

i love pb&j without the j

Sunday, August 16, 2009


guess who said this?

not so hard quote-ish trivia

Friday, August 14, 2009

dolly-ish 2

dolly is one of my main inspirations.
and i needed a lil' inspiration today.
i just love her.

i less than three dolly.
i'm gonna be dolly-ish tonight....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

bff-ish 2

this one is so much better.
i actually really want it.

so much better bff-ish


if it isn't evident enough...
i've been contemplating the meaning of life.
well... more specifcally the meaning of my life.

and it just seems endless-ish.
i'm trying to be hopeful (and i know i am... somewhere in here).

to believe in something.
to be mindful that there is an end somewhere.
that opportunities of hope may be endless, but it must be acted upon.
without action, endless has ended.

make life's opportunities endless-ish.

trapped opportunity-ish

so this -ish...

ummm… i think this pic is beautiful.
i struggled with a name for this post… it is so many things, color-ish, hot-ish, beautiful-ish… but i couldn’t stop thinking about it this morning on the train. it just reminded me of being trapped. And yet free. Opportunistic freedom, trapped opportunity-ish.
this life.
never ending dichotomy.

i know this is deep for early am, but these are the things that go through my mind on the commute.

thank you train (?!?! maybe?!?!!)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


i hate bffs
except that we were doing something for work... and then someone found these at old navy and then....

but i love mine.
my first follower and fan...

i saw these and thought they would look great on us.
we're so bff-ish

i less than 3 you

my personal jesus-ish 2

just need this today


i have always wanted to be a hippie.
now, more so than ever.
i can't wait to see this movie.
not because i think it will be amazing, but it just will be fun, beautiful, and remind me of how bad i wish i were a hippie that believed in peace love and happiness.

i ask my mom all the time why she never went to woodstock.
i think she has started to get angry that i ask.
but how could you miss this!?
how could you be so close and not get into the woodstock-ish?

holla to the hippies


i saw these on the internet.
i was doing research for work and this rando website came up with these lovely childhood-ish drawings.
(i was terribly surprised to find out these were 7th graders… really? Haven’t they moved on from crayons?!)

i just loved to color and draw when I was younger... and i tried to translate that into my profession, but some where along the way i had to lose touch with the pleasure of coloring.

money, career, ambition, control, all those lovely emotions get in the way of joy and happiness. how does that happen??!?!

o to still be in my childhood-ish years and know what i know now....

how much i have done differently?

deep thinking for fun pictures.


Monday, August 3, 2009


its been a shit town few weeks. just understanding life and the cards it deals you. understanding that you might not get what you wanted/worked for. and to adjust after the disappointment of losing hope. what a sad terrible thing to lose. really. probably the worst.
wow... this is depressing.

so with all this awful reality checking-in (and it seems for good), i want to put a picture of someone that always makes me feel strong. that i can do anything and everything. and that i have to. there isn't room in this world for whiners. so get your shit together and deal.

i love her.
i miss her.
and days like today, i think she is the only reaosn i am strong-ish...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

coney island-ish

again... i can't believe it has been so long since i posted. this new job. i'm totally blaming this new job. ugh.
so partially for work, but equally motivated by my need for nathan's chili cheese fries, i ventured to coney island. it was a short trip (as all trips to coney island should be), and it was very enjoyable. unfortunately, half of nyc thought that saturday would be a great do to go to coney island, too. so it turned out to be a very coney island-ish day...
this bizzaro mix of city culture and hillbilly slept together and created the deformed and lovable creature that is coney island. i don't know how to explain its amazing unquiness and awfulness. i love coney island and i crave a visit every few months, even in the winter...