Sunday, May 31, 2009

athena steph-ish

look at those legs! she is such a good lookin' gal, too bad you can't see her face, but i don't want ms. athena steph to get weirded out that she is on my blog for all my many followers to see.
she is such a wonderful, smart, beautiful person...

i constantly wonder why she doesn't have an amazing man by her side.

i can only justify that men are intimidated and believe they are not worthy enough for her, because she really is that great....

and look at those legs!

so athena steph


biggest mistake of the evening.

-ish to say the least....


for those that don't know, i'm pretty obsessed with taking pictures of flowers.
these flowers were absolutely gorgeous.
editorial worthy.
so flower-ish

josie-ish 3

just a few more josie-ish images... there were just so many, i had to narrow it down

josie-ish 2

you have to see the groom, right?
very groom-ish... great, great man that loves her totally.


i was going to call this posting, wedding-ish, but I couldn't. this could not be anyone's wedding. it was much too josie-ish. it was josie-ish
it embodied everything I thought her wedding SHOULD be, so imagine the reality...
it was absolutely josie-ish:
very CT.

really an amazing sight.

i will miss her terribly.

as long as she stays josie-ish, which i know she willl, there will always be something there for us.

Friday, May 29, 2009

summer friday-ish

although this first picture does not resemble my first summer Friday of 2009...
it makes me think of summer Fridays and how wunderlust they are.

the second pic is what I spent my frist summer Friday of 2009 doing.
I love LOVE summer Friday's
a few hours that you can devote to something you never seem to have time for during the work week...

This -ish will hopefully be short lived in my world.... but i hope to never forget the feeling those few hours on Friday afternoon give me.
hmmmmm summer Friday-ish....

Thursday, May 28, 2009


this was/is the view from my window in italy.
it might not seem like a lot to some.... but how often have you woken to a dirt road and cypress trees welcoming you to their day?
i miss it:
the lax.
the beauty.
the quaintness.
the italy-ish of life.

i'm beaten and bruised and bustled by life today and needed this reminder of how amazing it is.
i'm getting there.

its only a flight, an ocean, and a eurostar trip away...


bugged out.
just bugged-ish.
how do you prepare for the unpreparable!?!?!?
just bugggggg out.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

bling bling-ish


we all knew you would be the first to go to the other side...
but don't forget about the good ol' times with your original loves in Nagler room 505 (is that right?!)

love you

muff's cream-ish

there is not much I can say regarding the -ish of this post.
I will leave it open to interpretation.

but I will do anything in honor of my first follower...

i less than three you.

Monday, May 25, 2009


prints, patterns, weaves, and texture:
these all make our visual world so much more appealing and interesting.
these fabrics and prints are all about the textile-ish...

Saturday, May 23, 2009


just some more for your google-ish obsession.
they always make me smile....


i just love the images that google posts as the 'google'
i think they are so great and smart.
so i'll post some google-ish images for all to enjoy and remember...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

just a lil' worn-ish

just like a good pair of jeans, books look better a lil' worn in.
must be a great read if it was enjoyed by so many, right?
FYI: this one is. for your nearest library :)

They just read better when they are a lil' worn-ish....
happy reading

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

i'm with the band-ish

everyone has their fantasies of being with the band.
whether those fantasies are of being the rock star or the mooching groupie or....
they are the same.
filled with sex, drugs, and a lotta rock n' rolla.
to be with the band-ish is the calm, sexy, cool these dudes have.
Just there hangin... with the band-ish.

in honor of the music-filled months ahead, thanks Coachella for starting off the summer festival season right. You captured the i'm with the band-ish with this image...

helping to let our i'm with the band fantasies run amuck.

my own personal jesus-ish

there isn't much to say.
except I have been desperately into Jesus-ish looking fellows.
this Jesus-ish man is... well, the title of this post sums it all up.


yup... thats me-ish

what -ish:

Here I am being Meg-ish.
flower in the hair.
watching music.

what-ish i have....

thanks to muff for the lovely pic.
thanks to miguel for making me do this.

I less than three you both.